6/13/2017 (Break)
Hey everyone, Vedius here.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. but I have to take a break from raiding. My schedule is going to be shuffled around due to a new job, college starting soon, and vacations coming up. (Also, I know my hours are screwed when I am falling asleep while driving to work, that's the big thing. Serious lack of sleep and time available for this game.) I'm sorry I didn't plan this all out better.
I love all of you. And I am not leaving the guild. I am just not going to be raiding in ToS. Maybe not for the rest of Legion, but we will see how everything pans out, yeah?
I can't thank all of you enough for welcoming me into your family. And for giving me the chance to succeed. I wouldn't trade my time with you guys for anything in the world. But like I said, I will still be around on and off. And I may drop in for the occasional mythic plus.
I will see you all around!
(This is my notification that as of 06/13/2017 I will no longer be able to raid with Intertia.)